
Showing posts from April, 2020

10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate

10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate Bad relationships affect far more than just your love life They can make your entire life worse. Everything from your friendships to your career can suffer if you’re in a toxic relationship. Knowing the signs of one is a very powerful way you can take back control and prevent everything from going downhill. Signs of a bad relationship to keep a lookout for Nobody wants to be with someone who’s bad for them. We all want that incredible, fun love story we see all over social media. While those may not be completely accurate, they’re great goals to shoot for. Wanting a healthy relationship is important. Recognizing that you’re not in one is also very valuable. If you truly want to know if your relationship is bad and unhealthy for both of you, here are the glaring signs of a bad relationship to watch out for. #1 Lack of communication. When you don’t talk to each other or worse, you CAN’T talk to each other, som...

10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate

10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate Bad relationships affect far more than just your love life They can make your entire life worse. Everything from your friendships to your career can suffer if you’re in a toxic relationship. Knowing the signs of one is a very powerful way you can take back control and prevent everything from going downhill. Signs of a bad relationship to keep a lookout for Nobody wants to be with someone who’s bad for them. We all want that incredible, fun love story we see all over social media. While those may not be completely accurate, they’re great goals to shoot for. Wanting a healthy relationship is important. Recognizing that you’re not in one is also very valuable. If you truly want to know if your relationship is bad and unhealthy for both of you, here are the glaring signs of a bad relationship to watch out for. #1 Lack of communication. When you don’t talk to each other or worse, you CAN’T talk to each other, som...

How To Love Yourself And Improve Relationships

How To Love Yourself And Improve Relationships. Does loving yourself improve relationships? It should come as no surprise that there is a strong link between self-esteem and the health of our relationships. If you have a low sense of self-worth, that affects a lot of your behaviors, which in turn affect your connections with others. Specifically, having little love for ourselves tends to make us more negative in general. Think about how  you  react when someone around you is negative about almost everything. In contrast, you probably prefer to be around people who are comfortable in their own skin. Below are a few steps you can take to start implementing self-love in your life, whether you have low self-esteem or even too much of it. If you want to improve relationships with those closest to you, then I highly suggest you start here. 7. Affirm yourself. A common symptom of low self-worth is constantly seeking affirmation and validation. You don...

10 most common reasons for divorce.

10 most common reasons for divorce. #1 Infidelity This is one of the most common causes of why people cheat aren’t as cut and dry as our anger may lead us to believe. #2. Money According to several studies and divorce statistics, a “final straw” reason for divorce is a lack of financial compatibility and money mistakes in marriage. #3. Lack of communication Communication is crucial in marriage and not being able to communicate effectively quickly leads to resentment and frustration for both, impacting all aspects of a marriage. On the other hand, good communication is the foundation of a strong marriage. #4. Constant arguing Many find it hard to see the other person’s point of view, which leads to a lot of arguments without ever coming to a resolution, which can ultimately be a cause of divorce. #5. Weight gain9 In some cases a significant amount of weight gain causes the other spouse to become less physically attracted while for others, weight gain...
10 Ways To Keep Intimacy Alive In A Relationship.   Many people underestimate the importance of intimacy and instead, prefer to focus on the materialistic and physical part of the relationship. Although these aspects are relatively important, they are not as essential as intimacy and the strong bond that it brings. If you feel a little lost and do not know where to start, here are some simple things that you can do to keep your relationship’s level of intimacy at its optimum. #1 Be generous.  This does not mean buying your partner beautiful things and splurging on expensive meals. It refers to being generous when you give yourself away. Be generous when you share your time and feelings with your partner. Do not bother with mind games that involve who is going to say sorry first, who should pick up the phone to ask the other on a date first and so on. Remember that being in a relationship with someone is all about give and take, so do not bother keeping score whe...

Healthy Relationships

20 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships If some of these things are in your life, you are in a good relationship 1. When you reunite at the end of the day, you say something positive before you say something negative. 2. You reminisce about positive experiences you've had together in the past. 3. You can name one of your partner’s favorite books. 4. You know your partner’s aspirations in life. 5. You can recall something you did together that was new and challenging for both of you. 6. You kiss every day. 7. You’re comfortable telling your partner about things that make you feel vulnerable such as worries about getting laid off. 8. You have your own “love language” (pet names or special signs you give each other). 9. You know your partner’s most embarrassing moment from childhood. 10. You know  your partner’s proudest moment from childhood. 11. You can name your partner’s best friend and identify a positive quality that the person has. 12...