10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate

10 Signs Of A Bad Relationship You Should Never, Ever Tolerate Bad relationships affect far more than just your love life They can make your entire life worse. Everything from your friendships to your career can suffer if you’re in a toxic relationship. Knowing the signs of one is a very powerful way you can take back control and prevent everything from going downhill. Signs of a bad relationship to keep a lookout for Nobody wants to be with someone who’s bad for them. We all want that incredible, fun love story we see all over social media. While those may not be completely accurate, they’re great goals to shoot for. Wanting a healthy relationship is important. Recognizing that you’re not in one is also very valuable. If you truly want to know if your relationship is bad and unhealthy for both of you, here are the glaring signs of a bad relationship to watch out for. #1 Lack of communication. When you don’t talk to each other or worse, you CAN’T talk to each other, som...

Healthy Relationships

20 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

If some of these things are in your life, you are in a good relationship
1. When you reunite at the end of the day, you say something positive before you say something negative.

2. You reminisce about positive experiences you've had together in the past.

3. You can name one of your partner’s favorite books.

4. You know your partner’s aspirations in life.

5. You can recall something you did together that was new and challenging for both of you.

6. You kiss every day.

7. You’re comfortable telling your partner about things that make you feel vulnerable such as worries about getting laid off.

8. You have your own “love language” (pet names or special signs you give each other).

9. You know your partner’s most embarrassing moment from childhood.

10. You know  your partner’s proudest moment from childhood.
11. You can name your partner’s best friend and identify a positive quality that the person has.

12. You and your partner are playful with each other.

13. You think your partner has good ideas.

14. You’d like to become more like your partner, at least in some ways.

15. Even when you disagree, you can acknowledge your partner makes sensible points.

16. You think about each other when you’re not physically together.

17. You see your partner as trustworthy.

18. In relationship-relevant areas such as warmth and attractiveness, you view your partner a little bit more positively than they view themselves or than most other people view them.

19. You enjoy the ways your partner has changed and grown since you met.

20. Your partner is enthusiastic when something goes right for you.


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